

Lille Birkholm I & II


Lille Birkholm I & II in Herlev invests in energy storage

VisBlue has delivered eight flow batteries to the housing association Lille Birkholm I& II in Herlev. This has just been decided and we at VisBlue are looking forward to delivering a green solution to the Zealand housing association.

The problem

As solar and wind energy become increasingly popular, we are faced with the problem: What should we do with the excess power that "goes to waste"? This is where VisBlue's flow batteries come into the picture, as they make it possible to store the energy produced during the day and save it for the evening, or when the sun is not shining or the wind is not blowing.

How it works

LilleBirkholm is equipped with solar cell systems that supply energy to the housing association, where the excess power will be stored in VisBlue's battery system. With the installation of the eight VisBlue battery systems, the total battery system will be able to supply power to all 800 tenancies in the housing association. The battery system then ensures that the housing association gets maximum benefit from the electricity produced in the solar system. Lille Birkholm consists of 20 electricity sections, where VisBlue has succeeded in downscaling this to only eight battery systems that still have the capacity to cover all electricity sections. The overall battery system will be able to absorb the energy produced by the individual solar cell system in the electricity sections to which the system is connected. The eight VisBlue batteries have a total size of 175 kW with a storage capacity of 540 kWh.

"We see this project as a showcase that can illustrate to other housing associations that a more affordable and environmentally friendly energy solution can be done."
- Søren Bødker, CEO at VisBlue.

Future housing associations

VisBlue's CEO Søren Bødker is very positive about this development and explains the following:

"This is a great opportunity for VisBlue to showcase how flow batteries"