VisBlue has been chosen to be a part of the EU’s SME Instrument 2020 Horizon. We are extremely proud that a distinguished institution like the EU believes in our battery and our vision.
The funding consists of 50.000 Euros which we will use to make a detailed business plan for growth in Denmark, as well as the rest of the EU.
More specifically, the funding will be aimed at exploring possibilities within production, sales and authorisations. The funding makes it possible for us to advance our business actions and make a clear-cut plan for the future. This would not be possible without the SME Instrument resources.
However, this is only the first fase of the SME Instrument program. For the second fase we will apply for 2 million Euros, which will be put towards carrying out our business plan.
This means that by 2020 we will be ready for market launch and will expand our number of partnerships as well.