Projects - what is VisBlue involved in?

Here you can read more about which projects we are currently participating in and which findings are made in connection with the research


Organic Redox Flow Battery Systems or ORBATS as this project is called, is an ambitious project focused on optimising energy storage, both in costs as well as in efficiency and reduction of the impact that energy storage has on the environment.

With ORBATS we want to develop a redox flow battery technology that contains a non-toxic and non-corrosive organic fluid with a simpler soluble electrolyte component. Together with Vestas, Aarhus University, DTU Energy, Harvard University and Lithium Balance, VisBlue has embarked on a project with the scope of creating solutions for this.

However, the technology is still on the R&D level, which means that it will take a few years before it will be commercially available.

NRGi's Values

This project aims to educate young students in future smart energy grids and how our technology can act as a helping tool in making this a possibility.

Rethink Business

At VisBlue, we constantly put an effort into optimizing our product and business, and one of the things that we are currently working on is creating a more circular economy for our business which benefits both our customers, VisBlue and the environment.

When we ensure to take this into account, our customers do not have to.

VisBlue has been granted funds from the EU to start our own "Rethink Business" Project. Along with funding, we have been granted an external consultant to help formulate how we can implement the ‘Cradle to Cradle’ mindset into our business case.

katharina look at batteries

Smart Energy

The goal of this project is to support, develop and improve a commercial production of a Danish vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) energy storage with quality assurance. VisBlue does this by testing, optimising and demonstrating the cooperation between the VRFB-technology and photovoltaic systems, water heating and heating pumps.

Beyond that, this project also aims to demonstrate the potential of the VRFB-technology as a grid-buffer in an increasingly decentralised energy production.

Digital Booster

The goal of this project is to improve a digital interface solution in support of the market maturity of a Danish VRFB energy storage.

In this, the project aims to optimise an independent digital service product to enhance digital communication between a VRFB and photovoltaic systems, the energy grid and the end-user.

Grid Connected

In cooperation with EUDP, Eniig and Aarhus University, VisBlue is involved in the Grid Connected project, which aims to eliminate inexpedient fluctuations on a local energy grid (residential) that has photovoltaic systems installed on the roofs.

This is done by placing a VRFB next to the municipal transformer. The VRFB will act as grid-buffer for excess energy produced by the PV’s. The VRFB hereby levels the voltage and diminishes the strain on the grid. The buildings connected to this transformer will moreover reap the benefit of utilizing the optimum effect from their PV’s.

Click here to see an illustration of the concept


The project aims to establish an energy community based on a low-carbon micro-grid, promoting the substitution of fossil fuel consumption and, thus, the reduction of CO2 in the urban space where innovative technological solutions in the storage of energy in chemical and electrochemical form play a vital role. With an investment of EUR 8 145 027.00, this project is co-financed under P2020|COMPETE – Projects Mobilisers Program in EUR 5 325 434,81 from European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). The Baterias 2030 project, led by DST Solar, S.A., will be developed by a consortium composed of 23 co-promoters, of which 14 are companies and 9 are entities from R&I Portuguese National System that ensure the correct and effective execution of the objectives of the project including technical-scientific objectives and economic/commercial objectives.

Title (ENG): Batteries as a central element for urban sustainability

Título (PT): As baterias como elemento central para a sustentabilidade urbana
Click here to read about the project (in Portuguese)


The BluEnergy project aims to develop the next generation of RFB technology for stationary applications, at low cost, for storing electricity from renewable energy sources. With an investment of EUR 1 174 334.80, this project is co-financed under P2020|COMPETE - Projects in Copromotion Program in EUR 704 096.18 from European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). BluEnergy project will be in force for three years, form June 2020 to June 2023, with Simoldes Plásticos, S.A. as promoter, Visblue Portugal and University of Porto as co-promoters.

Title (ENG): Design and development of low cost and high longevity redox drain cells and their production process

Título (PT): Conceção e Desenvolvimento de Pilhas de Escoamento Redox de Baixo Custo e Elevada Longevidade e Respetivo Processo Produtivo

baterias 2030Click here to read more about the project (in Portuguese)